Institutional Review Board on Human Subjects


The IRB on Human Subjects shall review all federally funded research and all other research involving the use of human subjects – including that conducted by students – prior to initiation of that research. Review is voluntary for non-federally funded projects. The IRB exists to help ensure the protection of human subjects used in research projects, to provide guidance to researchers in the design of experiments, to inform and protect the faculty on legal issues, and to provide a process that encourages the review of experimental protocols.


IRM members are appointed by the President or his appointed designee (Provost). The IRB is composed of six members with varying experience, expertise, background, and gender in order to promote adequate review of research activities. Members include: Four faculty from liberal arts disciplines; four faculty from business disciplines; one administrator who will also serve a record-keeper; and a faculty member who is not affiliated with Bryant University, either directly or indirectly.

Members of the IRB are required to take NIH training.


The IRB will meet as needed to respond to proposals within two weeks, shorter if possible. The IRB will make every effort to prevent the delay of research projects or submission of funding proposals.


All committee deliberations will be a matter of public record. Minutes will be kept at all committee meetings, and the committee’s decisions on proposals will be communicated in writing to the investigator, the Chair of the investigator’s department, and the Provost. Copies of these minutes and final decisions will be available to the Bryant Community.

The Provost will conduct an annual review of the program to ensure that the review process is adequately serving the research community, and that proper protection is being afforded human subjects.